Role Of Parents In Their Child’s Education

What if you would help your child enjoy school more, get better grades, and reduce behaviour problems at the same time? Reams of research has shown that regardless of parents income and educational background, their involvement in education helps their kids do better in and out of school.

Parent encouragement and support for learning activities at home combined with parental involvement in schooling is critical to children’s education. A growing body of research shows that building effective partnerships between parents, families, and schools to support children’s learning leads to improved learning outcomes. Parents are the first and continuing educators of their children.

The parent’s role is a formidable and crucial one in the fostering a child’s intellectual development. The child emulates in public and in school the behavioural parameters established by the parent since birth. Therefore, it is the parent’s sole responsibility to establish the behavioural expectations and boundaries for the child before he/she interacts with people outside the home. If a child presents unacceptable and counters educational behavioural expectations in the school setting it means that the parent did not properly do their job. It has been said in a quote that “If we want to empty the prisons, the work begins in the high chair”. The truth is that a child cannot learn if they cannot behave in a way which is conducive to a successful and effective learning experience. It is not the job of the teacher or school system to teach basic manners and decorum. That foundation must be taught by the parents at home on a constant and consistent basis.

A child’s aptitude for reading, writing, speaking, mathematics, science, and social studies must come from and be foundationally developed in the home by parents. Play learning games, expose children to educational software, watch documentaries together, solve puzzles, discuss government and world affairs, discuss history, engage in basic science experiments, explore plant and wildlife around the home, read together, teach vocabulary every chance you get, discuss the workings of money etc. it is the role of the parent to provide such intellectually stimulating interactions designed to prime the child’s brain with curiosity and excite their love of learning.


Role of Parents: –

Parents should give more time and attention to their children

Children should be given proper attention. Giving attention to your children means spending time with them, taking interest in their activities, guiding them for improvement and refraining them from bad attributes. Parents should spend some of their time with their children for playing games with them, discussing with them about general things or world affairs, asking them about their studies and even helping them in their studies (if possible). It makes the children feel responsible for their studies and other duties. It makes them think they are valuable beings and they have to do many good things. It builds the confidence level of the children and increases their interest in their studies.

Be a role model: Kids would be easily inspired by what their parents do. So it would be good to be a role model in their learning phase. Parents are kids first teacher and learn the first things together at home. Show them how exciting and meaningful a school life can be if they give out their best. Inspire them to learn novel elements in and out of school with friendly reminders and guidance.

Parents should talk to their children about their weakness and problems: Parents should be fully aware of the problems and weakness of their children. Parents should discuss it with their children and ask them about complication they have in their studies. When a student comes in class 11th or 12th, some of the parents do not give much attention to their studies because they think that just enrolling them into the best coaching center in is enough. Although coaching centers play immensely a great role and help students but still parents should ask their child about the studies and performance in the class.

It not only notifies you about how your child is performing but it helps to build confidence in them. A child may have some complication which refrains him from studying well. Parents need to know about it and help them to get a solution to their problem.

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Help your children relaxMake sure that they are getting proper rest at the end of the day despite the busy study schedule and playtime. Help them to relax with a good night’s sleep and proper food. Take the effort to know your child’s areas of interests and include them in the holiday time to give them a good relief from the stress of studies.

Help your children improve their general habits and skills: A child needs to learn many study habits and other good habits i.e. health habits, sleeping habits, eating habits, dressing habits, etc. Parents are the only source to teach them all these things. Parent need to advise them to sit to study, sleep in time, eat in time. Apart from that other skills such as communication skills, writing skills should be taught to them.